Field Trips
Spring 2020 student-made travel videos
we honor and celebrate the memory of those that sacrificed
July 5, 2019

Students from the “Freedom and Fascism” Summer Program led by Professors Robert Griswold and Charles Kenney have been studying what Italy and Arezzo were like during Fascism. Together with their professors, they have visited many historic sites dating back to the 1920s and 1940s. This past Wednesday, students, staff and professors visited a small town near Arezzo called San Polo. This town is known for a tragedy that occurred there in 1944. A group of Nazi soldiers killed 65 people, including elders, women and children on the July 14th, 1944. Just two days before the liberation of Arezzo, a group of Germans decided to ambush some Partisans, but in doing so, they also captured many civilians.
It’s a terrible chapter of the Italian history that must be remembered, to honor those who sacrificed their life for the privileges and the freedom we have today. Here at OU in Arezzo we are proud to have the “Freedom and Fascism” students learn about these stories and see these sites with their own eyes, understanding through real life experiences and enriching what they have studied in class and in set texts.
While lecturing on-site, Dr. Griswold said: “100 years from now, this piece of history will likely be forgotten, but by keeping the promise to continue coming and paying respect like this in groups, we honor and celebrate the memory of those that sacrificed their lives for the liberties we enjoy today.” @ouabroad #ouaff19 #ouasummer19 #ouinarezzo

Pisa for the day
April 12, 2019

Today, OUA students had a chance to visit the city of Pisa and its famous leaning tower, then had a quick stop in Lucca for the afternoon! We love seeing all Italy has to offer here at OUA! #ouinarezzo #ouaspring19 #featurefriday
A Humbling experience
June 13, 2019

Student Brady, summer 2019 and his experience in Rome:
"I wish I could show you just how humbling it feels to be in the middle of this wonder of the ancient world". The Roman Forum was his favorite and he saw an aerial view of the entire place. "Pictures do not do justice to this breathtaking place."
Also, even the ancient Romans were OU fans-- Go Sooners!
Hilltop city of assisi
June 4, 2019

Repost from @tahirahnaidu using @RepostRegramApp - walking through the colosseum 100% had me thinking about Monty Python’s ”Life of Brian”⚔️
Casentino valley
May 23, 2019

Our #ouasooners are continuing to have a great #ouasummer19
Health and Nutrition Science students visited the Casentino Valley today, a beautiful area near Arezzo! They went to a cheese factory, prosciutto factory, and to the Poppi Castle.