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OUA offers students a lot of different ways to play an active role in the Arezzo community.

 Initiatives and events take place throughout the semester and summer.





Big Event
in Arezzo

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Community Service is a must for OUA students!



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President's Community Scholars working for Arezzo


OUA Fun Run

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Raising funds for charities... by running around Arezzo!





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Speaking out against any form of

violence or discrimination!



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Sharing cultural events with the local community


The Big Event in Arezzo


Sharing good ideas has always been fundamental to OU, that is why OU in Arezzo decided to import one of the most successful events from OU's campus to Italy. It's been 10 years since the first OUA Big Event. Our first project involved cleaning up city parks, and over the years the event has grown into one of the most anticipated and well-known Community Service events in Arezzo. Every year, local "Aretini," OU students and other people from OUA's partner networks join

forces to revamp, clean, paint or just lend a hand to the town of Arezzo in a number of ways. It has truly become a BIG event in Arezzo!

This year the Big Event in Arezzo has turned out as a challenge. Our day dedicated to community service, with American and Italian students working together on beautification projects for the city of Arezzo saw the participation of talented street artists (@Muromuseum) and… an ever changing weather.

Sun, rain, hail, snow, and wind did not stop our volunteers and we have successfully been able to gift the city with an ever-lasting work of art. Two pedestrian subways in the most popular and central green areas of the city, turned into an open-air art gallery. Stay tuned for the wrap-up video to come…

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April 2022

building community through art

OUA in collaboration with @Comune di Arezzo and M.U.Ro developed a mural in one of Arezzo’s underpasses near Parco Giotto and worked with artists from Rome...

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April 2019

Revamp the car park

- Baldaccio -

Here we are with another incredible feat, carried out by a group of willing students from OUA, UNISI and Redi high school...

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April 2017

Essential Makeover School Edition Vol.1

Essential Makeover/Arezzo School Edition... A few of these photos are also from Casino Night on Friday, the American breakfast on...

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April 2021

Fly High! honoring all health workers

After a year in the pandemic, this year's OUA Big Event also had to change. This project is a thank you to all health workers.

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April 6th - 7th 2018

Essential Makeover School Edition Vol.2

Big Event 2018 was a huge success! Students volunteered at a local middle school in Arezzo,

I.C. Margaritone, with several local parents!

OU PCS Service Project Summer 2022

June 2022

The San Clemente Gym

OU PCS joined forces with Petrarca Gymnastics to revitalize one of the most historic sports facilities in Arezzo. Modernizing the 95-year-old gym was a two-phase project... 

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June 2018


Thevenin revamp!

The President's Community Scholars group has done great work this week in Arezzo! They served the community by working at the Thevenin Institute... 

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June 2019

Summer Camp

It was the second day of @oupcs

 #ouinarezzo Summer Camp for local kids in the community of Arezzo! 

#ouapcs19 student Presley said...

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June 2016

Hospital Murals 

Photos from the PCS press conference this past week, which commemorated the service project at the local hospital. Congratulations PCS students...

PCS Project

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April 2019

5 KM
From Park to Park

#ouaspring19 had a successful 5K Fun Run today! Student Activities Council organized the event with local community members to benefit...

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October 2018

5 KM

Around Arezzo

Our first #ouinarezzo Student Activities Council 5K Fun Run was a huge success this morning! Thank you to our friends in Arezzo and students for...

OUA Fun Run


April 2021

Virtual Take Back The Night

OU in Arezzo launched a virtual Take Back the Night (TBTN) event, as to observe April's sexual assault awareness month through the lens of Arezzo-based organization and projects.

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November 2019

Take Back The Night:
OUA & Diversity

Thank you to @falenegym 
@soc.petrarca1877arezzo for collaborating with us in Take Back the Night yesterday and performing...

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November 2018

Take Back The Night:

OUA & Diversity

On Tuesday night OUA students, faculty, and staff came together with the community of Arezzo for the first Take Back the Night the city has seen...

Take Back the Night

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November 2017

Community dinner

Our exciting Thanksgiving event tonight with the community of Arezzo! Great job to our Student Activities Council for sponsoring this fun and...

Thanksgiving 2017

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November 2015

Service event

Community service and Thanksgiving go hand in hand... OUA students decided to help repaint a local school and host a potluck dinner all together!

Thanksgiving 2015


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